Jessie has been getting better everyday. I knew that would be the case – prior to surgery I just didn’t see the big picture. She is moving around very well. We decided not to give her the cone of shame. She’s been very good about not licking the scars. Except for the bottom scar area where all the skin was gathered. I’m sure instinct kicks in and it feels good to her, I just don’t want her to open the wound. We got a little creative. My daughter Rachel’s soccer jersey works perfectly. It covers the area, and she doesn’t touch it. I swore my dog would never wear clothes and never has until now. When we first put it on her, she had a look that said, “ are you kidding?” We take it off when we are around and can monitor her. When we put it on she stiffens her leg in defiance. I love her sass!!
Bad news: A complete biopsy was done on the removed mass. The mass is called an sts- soft tissue sarcoma. Initial tests indicated no cancer. The biopsy returned as a level 3 sts. This means it is an aggressive tumor and has the likelihood to grow back. What I have read though gives a little light. Wide removal and amputation are a good indicator that it won’t come back as aggressive. The doctor feels the removal of the mass was complete. To be sure, chemo and radiation could be an option. Costly, and I have read that it could actually make the dog even sicker. We have decided to bypass chemo and radiation and pray the mass doesn’t return. In the meantime we will enjoy her everyday we have her!!
Staples come out next week, her diet of dog food, hot dogs and boiled eggs seem to be bulking her up too. Enjoy the weekend!!