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Jessie's Journey

Share the Tri-Pawd Journey with Jessie

Jessie has been getting better everyday.     I knew that would be the case – prior to surgery I just didn’t see the big picture.  She is moving around very well.  We decided not to give her the cone of shame.  She’s been very good about not licking the scars. Except for the bottom scar area where all the skin was gathered.   I’m sure instinct kicks in and it feels good to her, I just don’t want her to open the wound.  We got a little creative.  My daughter Rachel’s soccer jersey works perfectly. It covers the area, and she doesn’t touch it. I swore my dog would never wear clothes and never has until now. When we first put it on her, she had a look that said, “ are you kidding?”  We take it off when we are around and can monitor her.  When we put it on  she stiffens her leg in defiance.  I love her sass!!

Bad news: A complete biopsy was done on the removed mass.  The mass is called an sts- soft tissue sarcoma.  Initial tests indicated no cancer.  The biopsy returned as a level 3 sts.  This means it is an aggressive tumor and has the likelihood to grow back.  What I have read though gives a little light.  Wide removal and amputation are a good indicator that it won’t come back as aggressive.  The doctor feels the removal of the mass was complete.  To be sure, chemo and radiation could be an option.  Costly, and I have read that it could actually make the dog even sicker.  We have decided to bypass chemo and radiation and pray the mass doesn’t return.  In the meantime we will enjoy her everyday we have her!!

Staples come out next week, her diet of dog food, hot dogs and boiled eggs seem to be bulking her up too. Enjoy the weekend!!

Out n About- day 4

I am amazed at the spirit of our Jessie.  Coming home She was different.  One leg less of course, but her spirit was different. I couldn’t tell if it was depression, anxiety or what. I had planned to take Thursday off work to be with her. Which I did. But I got sick. Fever, chills, massive head cold. Laid me up in bed all day Thursday and Friday.  Jessie didn’t want to be in her bed nursing two massive scars and a ghost leg.  She wanted to be by me. Never left my side. Stayed in my room at the foot of my bed. Only got up to go to the bathroom.  Amazing, loving- yes her spirit is different …more magnificent  than ever!  We love her!!

On the first day- Day 1

Today marks the beginning of a new day.  We love Jessie even more.

Surgery went well. The mass was bigger than expected, the doc feels all is well and the recovery is beginning.

She is home now. Doesn’t seem to be able to lay down comfortably. I think she is still groggy from the anesthesia.  Plus it hurts to lay on her right side.

Lots of deep moans groans and whimpers.

She was excited to see us, and lays her head in my hands.  We are still buds.

The comeback will be stronger than the setback.

Love ya Jessie!

‘‘Twas the night before surgery ‘

It’s the night before surgery to remove Jessie’s leg. We spent all last week fishing in the Uintah mountains- Jessie’s favorite thing to do.   I watched her run and play basically on three legs already. The limp leg seemed to get in her way- which at times was quite funny!

i have two worries tonight:

1-  pain management- how will we know we are helping her pain. I see her moods in her eyes- I hope this will help me understand.  I see her love, her happiness, her discontent- will I see her pain and be able to help?

2- additional tumors- when they open her up will they find additional tumors?  Will we have to make a decision I am not prepared to make?

i have come to peace with one reality- this isn’t something we are doing to Jessie, but it is something we are doing FOR Jessie.

Love you sweet girl- be strong!

The New Beginning

Welcome to Jessie’s journey to becoming a tri-pawd.

A little about Jessie.  She is an 8 year old German Shorthair Pointer.  As all dog owners say, she is the BEST dog!  She isn’t your typical GSP.  She is docile, calm, extremely obedient, and believe it or not, is afraid of guns!   She is our family hiking champ, goes fishing with me, and is an all around perfect dog.

In April of this year we noticed her limping on her front right leg.  At first we thought she had a thorn in her paw, or had maybe hurt her shoulder chasing birds in the backyard.  After several visits to the vet, examinations and x-rays it was discovered she has a tumor in her right shoulder.  It has grown to the size of a grapefruit.  The tumor is non-cancerous and will need to be removed along with her front right leg.

We were devastated with this news.  Many questions in our mind came up.  Will she be able to run like before, can she fish with me, and what will her mental health be like?  We have noticed that she has become more timid, almost embarrassed because of her limp.  We love her, putting her down is not an option.  After prayer, thought and discussion we have elected to remove the tumor and the leg.  Surgery is set for August 21st.

We will share her journey after surgery with you and hope to find many more friends and support through this website blog opportunity.

All the best-

Erik, Jessie & family





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